Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs are a scary subject to talk about because of how fearful people may be about contracting one. Almost everyone feels uncomfortable when talking about STDs and, as a result, they try not to talk about it at all. It’s hard to understand what STD is all about because most of the time it’s hardly discussed by most people. As a result, various misconceptions about STD have come up left and right.
Here are some STD myths that you may still be believing but are not true at all:
The Myth: You can’t get an STD from oral or anal sex.
A common misconception about STDs is that you won’t get it from oral or anal sex. Most people believe that you won’t get infected with STDs, just as long as you avoid vaginal intercourse.
The Truth: Saying you can’t get an STD from oral or anal sex is wrong. It’s this particular misconception about STDs that has contributed to it spreading relatively easily among many people. In fact, your chances of getting these infections from oral or anal sex are almost the same as with vaginal intercourse. If you have cuts on your anus or tears in your mouth, STD bacteria can spread through there.
The Myth: You can’t get STD if you are using oral contraceptives.
Most women think that they are safe from infection if they are using oral contraceptives or birth control pills.
The Truth: Birth control pills will not protect you from STDs. Their purpose is to help prevent you from getting pregnant. The only known birth control options that can protect you from STDs are condoms and abstinence (not having sex at all).
The Myth: You can’t get STD in a hot tub.
Some sexually active couples think that nothing will happen to them when they have sex in a hot tub. They may believe that they won’t get pregnant or be infected with STDs when having sex in a hot tub. Some think that the sperm and the bacteria that causes STDs will be killed because of the heat and the chlorine in the hot tub.
The Truth: If you are going to have sex in a hot tub, the chances of you getting infected are pretty high. Don’t think that chlorine can kill the bacteria or virus that causes STDs just because it smells something like a disinfectant. If you have sex with someone who has an STD in a hot tub, chances are, you’re going to be infected as well.
The Myth: You can’t be infected with the same STD twice.
People like to believe that they are not going to be infected with the same STD again. They think that their body is already immune to that STD infection.
The Truth: This is not true at all because if you keep on having sex without using any kind of protection, you are likely to become infected. STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis can be cured⎯but it doesn’t mean that you are not going to get them again. STD infections are not something that your body can become immune to. In fact, there are even some kinds of STDs that will not go away and will stay with you chronically, like herpes and HIV.
The Myth: No need to worry about STDs if you’re a lesbian or if there’s no penis involved.
Some women with female partners seem to believe that STDs can only be passed through others when there is a penis involved. Lesbians think that having sex with other girls will make them safe from infections.
The Truth: Yes, lesbians may not be as prone to STDs as heterosexual women or gay men, but it doesn’t mean that they are safe. You are still likely to be infected even if you have sex with women only. Remember that STDs aren’t only transmitted via penis-vagina intercourse.
The Myth: You can’t contract an STD if you don’t have a lot of sexual partners.
While it’s true that having a lot of sexual partners will make you more prone to infections, it doesn’t mean that having just one sexual partner will make you safe from STDs.
The Truth: Even in monogamous relationships, the chances of getting infected are still pretty high. If your partner has multiple sexual partners from their past, it could be that there’s an STD from many years ago that can still be transmitted to you. It’s important that you know about your partner’s sexual history before you become sexually active with him or her.
The Myth: You can’t possibly have an STD if you don’t see or feel any symptoms in your body.
Sexually active individuals like to think that if they have an STD that they will feel or see something wrong with their body.
The Truth: Just because you don’t see or feel any symptoms in your body, it doesn’t mean that you are not infected. You see, most STDs are asymptomatic, which means they don’t show any symptoms that you’ve contracted it. The only way for you to find out if you have an STD or not is to get tested, especially if you are sexually active.
The Myth: You can’t have an STD if you are wearing a condom.
While it’s true that condoms do offer you a certain level of protection against STDs, there are still times where they fail to protect you from getting infected.
The Truth: Heck, you can even get an STD while wearing a condom during intercourse. There are types of STDs that can be contracted just from skin-to-skin contact. STDs that can be contracted, even though you are wearing a condom, include:
- Molluscum contagiosum
- Public lice or crabs
- Genital herpes
- Syphilis
- HPV (human papillomavirus)
The Myth: You can’t have two STDs at once.
Many people seem to believe that they can’t be infected with two STDs at once.
The Truth: If you have sex with a partner who has multiple STDs, chances are you’re going to have multiple STDs as well. This is what doctors refer to as co-infection. There are some types of STDs that can go hand-in-hand like chlamydia and gonorrhea.
We hope that these facts from about STD have been helpful for you. Take note of these myths, so you will know how not to get infected with STDs. Because as you can see, it doesn’t matter what kind of sexual activities you do, how many times you have sex every week, or how many partners you’ve got…if you are sexually active, you are always at risk for STDs.
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