That Old, Familiar Feeling
If you’ve ever had the kissing disease then you already know fully what strep throat symptoms are like and what a pain they can be to the one suffering from them. Tons of coughing comes standard and sometimes that gets bad enough to get a person coughing up bits of blood. This is probably one of the worst symptoms because it’s one you can actually see happening. Compared to others, like the swelling of lymph nodes, difficulty breathing and the tough times you will have performing heavy physical labor, strep throat can really cut a person down. Here’s what to look for if you think you have it.
First and foremost, a sore throat could be anything at all. You may have inhaled some pet hair or ate something with soy lecithin which made your throat start to itch or maybe you’ve come down with a streptococcus infection which has finally flourished. This nasty bacterium causes strep throat symptoms in your trachea within about 48 hours of the time it is introduced to your body. This can be from kissing but less intimate stuff has been known to pass the germ, even sharing a straw with an infected person or drinking from the same soda can cause an infection.
Persistent raspy coughing is a less common strep throat symptom. If you find yourself coughing and unable to stop, even to the point where that green or yellow mucus begins to turn pink or even red with added blood you should go see a doctor. The odds are very good you picked up strep throat or another bad infection somewhere. The bacterial infection can be cleared out completely within a few days with the right antibiotics. They don’t cost much and they’re widely available, so don’t just suffer through strep thinking you have to beat it alone. If left untreated sadly it could even prove fatal in some cases.
Strep throat symptoms also present other noticeable changes in the physical appearance of your mouth. You may notice some white or yellow spots on your tonsils, tongue or throat. This same symptom seems to accompany several sexually transmitted diseases so the shock at seeing them should be enough to get you visiting your doctor or making an appointment to see one. These spots will not leave scars unless you chew at them, something nervous people suffering from strep have been known to do. It is not advisable as those discolored spots are actually colonies of bacteria and disturbing them only spreads the stuff more quickly.
Strep throat symptoms can become even worse than the above. Scarlet fever(you can find more information about this at wellbeingdoctor), is a disease all but forgotten thanks to achievements in medical science which more or less killed it can happen when especially bad cases of strep throat are allowed to proceed without being checked. A scaly almost rusty rash will spread all over the body, starting at the neck and radiating outward as one’s condition worsens. It has been described as feeling almost like sandpaper on more than one occasion. This rash is very specific, if you have a sore throat and notice strange blemishes on your body, contact a doctor immediately.
If your neck has swollen and made breathing painful or otherwise difficult, your lymph glands could be infected with strep throat. This is a common one among the many strep throat symptoms and a big problem because your lymph system runs all throughout your body, helping to exercise waste. If streptococcus hijacks a ride in there it’s more or less like a freeway for access to all the other parts of your body. If you notice the left and right sides of your neck swelling painfully you may have been infected with strep throat. Look for more than one of these symptoms before making a conclusion but should you suspect you have more than one symptom you should contact your doctor.
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