The strong Florida sun can feel great on your body, but it can also wreak havoc on your skin. The sun can help you feel great, filling your body with much-needed Vitamin D, and it can improve your mood and increase the ability to fight off infection. There are downsides, however, to the Florida sun. These include: wrinkles, darkened age spots and sometimes even cancer.
The Herschthal Practice in Boca Raton knows how to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
Wrinkles are from more than frowning
While it is true that frowning, smoking and some of the foods we eat can cause wrinkles, the Florida sun plays a significant part in making skin look old. Every time the skin is subjected to the sun’s damaging rays, it defends itself; the result is the sought-after tanned look. Over time, the skin can no longer bounce back from the damaging cycles of the Florida sun, and wrinkles begin to appear.
Age spots are another result of the damage that the Florida sun causes to the skin. Age spots appear as flat, dark blemishes on the skin. These blemishes are a result of years of overexposure to Florida’s sunshine. The most common areas to find age spots are the same places
that get the most sun: the tops of the feet, bottom of the hands, top of the back, and the face.
Cancer from sun exposure
There are many forms of skin cancer and only a handful of them are truly caused by overexposure to the sun’s damaging rays. A common, less aggressive form is called basal cell carcinoma. This form of skin cancer does not typically root deeper than the top layer of skin, or the epidermis. Squamous cell carcinomas, on the other hand, tend to spread to other areas and can cause a great deal of damage. The most aggressive form is called Melanoma and this kind of cancer starts in the pigment of the skin and easily travels to different organs. More than three-quarters of all skin cancer deaths are caused by Melanoma.
How to keep your skin healthy
The Herschthal Practice in Boca Raton has products and offers education to help you keep your skin safe and beautiful. Although people with fair skin are at a higher risk of skin damage and cancers, everyone who enjoys being out in the Florida sun should take heed of smart and easy skin care protocols. Wear sunscreen with a higher SPF and apply it often. Let the sunscreen soak into your skin for about 20 minutes before heading into the sunshine. Experts agree it takes about an ounce (or a shot glass) of sunscreen to evenly and safely cover an entire body. Wear protective clothing including a hat, sunglasses, and a long-sleeve shirt. Taking these precautions will help prevent skin damage due to Florida’s sun.
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