Is Takis Vegan? Well, this might be a disturbing question for those who are now in love with this popular snack. Takis gained fame because of their amazing tastes from hot spices sprinkled on the folded corn sticks. The taste is such, that you will surely pick another after trying one. Despite being an amazing snack, it is facing an issue of being purely vegan, especially for those people who are following the PETA lifestyles.
To dig deeper into this product, let’s start from the beginning. Basically, Takis popular known as Taquis is a brand of snacks owned by the Barcel Company. This Mexican based company is indulged in manufacturing the incredibly popular corn Tortilla snacks, potato chips and other confectionery products and related snack products. After becoming a hand to hand selling snack, consumers are now beholding some questions related to this snack. Check this post, which can clear some major doubts regarding this snack.
Is Takis Vegan?
Yes, indeed. Some of its popular flavors like Takis Nitro and Takis Fuego are vegan in nature. But there are chances that ingredients might change but till you are reading this post, they are totally vegan. It is always important to check the ingredients before you eat any such snack.
Takis Flavors which come under vegan(Contains no animal products):
- Takis Nitro
- Takis Fuego
- Takis Salsa Brava
Some of Takis flavors are not vegan as they contain some sort of animal products in them. This list of flavors include:
- Takis Xplosion
- Takis Guacamole
- Takis Crunchy Fajitas.
Is Takis Nitro Vegan?
Unlike other takes flavours, its Nitro flavour comes in intense dark red colour. With an exciting name, it provides an amazing taste of habanero and lime flavour. The flavour is extremely hot but not up to the dangerous levels.
As per its list of ingredients (which you can go through on its official website or at the back of the packing), there are no such added animal products in its flavours. Takis Nitro is totally vegan until there are any changes made in the ingredients.
Can Vegetarians Eat Takis?
It is indeed a tricky question when one has turned vegan and is in search of products without any trace of animal products. It is indeed a good choice to be vegan and here there are no chances that you deserve a lie. Not all the Takis are meant for the vegetarians. Yes, most of the takes flavours contain milk products which bring them out of the vegan category.
But not every flavour contains animal products, as described above, there are certain flavours with Takis which are suitable for vegans until there are no alterations in their ingredients. One can refer to the above flavour list which is totally vegan.
Is Takis Healthy to Eat? Obviously Not 🙂
Takis is no way a healthy diet for the vegan consumers, as these are potato chips quite similar to Doritos. There are only limited nutrients in these snacks with a good amount of calories and spices to spellbound the taste buds on your tongue. Also, this snacks comes with added fats and salts, which can create some issues with your health if consumed on regular basis.
But with less health benefactor features, Takis turns out to be a healthy snack for all the food junkies across the globe. This snack tastes even well when added with other snacks like burgers, sandwiches or else in their natural form. For vegans, there are some flavours which can be tried out with a vegan beer of course. Check the flavours like Nitro, Salsa Brava, and Fuego as a vegan treat to beat the hunger call.
Is Guacamole Takis Vegan?
To be always sure about the vegan factor of every product, it is vital to check the ingredients in that particular snack. Studying the ingredients can clear your doubts about having that particular product. Similarly, as mentioned above Takis Guacamole comes under the category of non-vegan. Though there is no such information provided on its official website we have somehow managed to give you the right information about this flavour. On checking its list of ingredients, it has milk products added in it, which brings it out of the category of being a vegan product.
For every vegan, it is important to be always beware with the fact that not all the Takis flavours are dairy free and most of them contain egg extracts in them. One can easily check the allergen section at the back of the packing and more often it is clearly marked in the ingredient statement.
Are Ruffles Vegan?
Ruffles are yet another amazing snacks from Canada, which is now owned by Frito Lays. It will be mere excitement for all the vegans to find that Ruffles is a vegan product. Typically, this product was not prepared with a mindset to serve vegans, but it can be effectively used as a treat for vegans as most of its flavours are not derived by using any dairy products, honey or any other animal derivative products.
Is Hot Cheetos Vegan?
Hot Cheetos is another amazing snack from Frito-Lay’s, in fact, they are the number-one seller snacks. But with the fact, are Hot Cheetos Vegan in nature? Sadly, they are not vegan at all. If you check the list of ingredients at the back of its packing, you will clearly notice that there are traces of real cheddar cheese in them. It also contains buttermilk and milk as a part of additives. At the bottom of the labelling, it is clearly mentioned in bold, “The Content In this pack contains milk ingredients”.
While wrapping up this post, going vegan totally depends on the consumer, and it is indeed a popular choice among most of the people. For this, they have to properly check the list of ingredients before relying on any snack. Some of the Takis snacks are meant for vegans, due to the absence of animal-based ingredients. Also, there were some other questions as well, of which you get the suitable answers to make the point clear to you.
Author Bio
Stella Wilson works as a writer for Melbourne Florist, a leading provider of quality gifts and Flower Delivery Richmond. She spends too much time in gardening. When she actually manages to get away for more than 10 minutes, he is usually reading books, travelling or shooting photos. For more blogs, you can follow her on Facebook.
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