Think You Know All About Testosterone? Think Again
The more you age, the higher your chances of getting caught up in a frustrating cycle when it comes to trying to lose weight. I understand what you are thinking, “Its easy to lose my belly, provided I work out frequently”.
That is a wonderful idea in theory, but in fact, with age, regardless of how hard you work in the gym, or how healthy your diet is, it will be an impossible job to lose the extra load, the majority of which will be accumulated around your abdomen.
Studies have verified the connection between obesity and inadequate testosterone levels, and how they help strengthen one another, causing an imbalance of the hormones and a coil of weight gain.
Despite being a major risk to male wellbeing, many doctors don’t conduct a testosterone check in overweight patients. It is likely that if physicians included testosterone checking as part of their routine, numerous men could be protected from the development of common ailments including high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, type II diabetes and cancer.
If some of these illnesses affect you, it will be a good idea to get your testosterone levels assessed by your doctor as soon as possible. This page is devoted to the connection between weight gain and testosterone deficiencies. You’ll discover how the accumulation of fat affects overall health as well as learning what professionals advocate in reference to the testing of testosterone levels.
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Testosterone’s Function
During the average male’s lifetime, his sex hormones dictate how he behaves, feels and looks.
Powerful new evidence appears to indicate that testosterone levels not only “offer clues” to the development of metabolic syndrome, but will likely be responsible. The findings have prompted specialists to strongly urge routine testosterone testing in older guys, particularly the ones who have problems with metabolic syndrome or type II diabetes.
Many appear to recommend natural supplementation as a way to resist being overweight, maintain healthy insulin resistance, as well as combating certain other aspects of the metabolic syndrome. You will learn more about the recommendations as well as understanding whether supplementation and testosterone testing is suitable for you.
To learn more about testosterone, you can visit a great site dedicated to the subject. Not only will you learn about the effects of this powerful hormone, you will discover the dangers when levels drop beyond a certain threshold, and what practical steps can be taken to replenish this hormone. To learn more, click here.
Interrupting the Process
It’s now been confirmed that the metabolic syndrome and obesity is linked to falling testosterone levels. The commonly held belief is that obesity appears first, and then low testosterone follows. This appears to be a reasonable narrative because fatty tissue cells function as a kind of modulator for the hormones, which is in charge of estrogen and testosterone.
The aromatase enzyme, which is a type of tissue which helps to convert testosterone into estradiol, the primary form of estrogen in both sexes. An over active aromatase enzyme activates a reduction in testosterone, along with estrogen, which means several physiological changes.
Scientific evidence indicates that obesity can be the foundation for low testosterone levels, moreover, obesity can be caused by low testosterone. It’s quite standard for falling testosterone levels to manifest themselves through various physiological changes that may grow into the metabolic syndrome as well as obesity. Early clues can be found in studies on men receiving androgen depleting cancer treatments.
When a guy’s testosterone falls, his insulin sensitivity also reduces, thus raising fat.
A recent study found that 50% of men receiving androgen depleting treatments, eventually developed the metabolic syndrome, which managed to establish itself by raising glucose levels and increasing belly fat.
On the flip side, guys who were receiving testosterone replacement treatment to relieve hypogonadism symptoms saw an exceptionally slow progress of diabetes or cardiovascular disease resulting from the onset of metabolic syndrome. It was discovered that testosterone supplied numerous advantages including lipid profiles, healthy blood pressure and insulin regulation.
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Low Testosterone Equals Slow Weight Loss
Your testosterone levels will unquestionably start to fall, when you approach middle age. This may result in weight gain and a reduction in muscle size and strength. It’s obviously clear that the 2 are intrinsically linked. Insufficient testosterone may also change the metabolism and encourage obesity or even excessive weight loss.
Testosterone plays an important function in helping to offer a ‘sense of balance’ to glucose, insulin and fat metabolism. In addition, it also affects insulin sensitivity, especially when amounts drop, which can activate important effects.
Many specialists now recognize that testosterone levels are a risk factor in their own right when it comes to the metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes as well as insulin resistance. Inflammation stages a leading part in obesity development and its associated illnesses like cancer and atherosclerosis.
These findings exemplify the close correlation linking low testosterone to several long-term illnesses including erectile dysfunction, hypertension, and diabetes.
Early Indications of Low Testosterone
The connection between obesity and dropping testosterone levels, cardiovascular disease as well as the metabolic syndrome is clear and specialists urge testosterone testing to help find early signals of the metabolic syndrome.
This increased fat mass also skyrockets insulin levels, which is among the many signs of developing the metabolic syndrome. The connection between the metabolic syndrome as well as low testosterone levels is impervious to age, because younger men can also be affected with depleting testosterone levels.
You should ensure that “free“, as well as “absolute” testosterone levels are kept in check. You may choose to undergo testosterone replacement treatment which can come in various forms such as shots, oral pills, gels, patches, as well as several other means.
Testosterone replacement can only be “lawfully “performed by your doctor due to the risks related to these types of procedures.
A safer option, when contemplating the replenishment of testosterone is a herbal testosterone supplement. Herbal testosterone supplements are created from mostly natural ingredients, including d-aspartic acid and zinc.
In Conclusion…
Testosterone and body fat have a ‘two way relationship’. An excessive amount of fat can be the cause of below-par-testosterone, and excessive body fat can be also triggered by low testosterone.
Testosterone is particularly crucial in helping regulate glucose, insulin and the metabolization of body fat, as well as helping to regulate many facets inside the human body.
The consequences of low testosterone may go beyond being simply fat, and could be fatal. Specialists are currently advocating particularly in older guys, routine blood testing to measure testosterone.
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[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]This is a guest post by James McDuffy from Low Testosterone Cure[/thrive_text_block]
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