There is great importance in health screening and all men should consider taking health tests. In the interest of everyone in the family, good health will facilitate long life. There are several tests that men must ensure they keep taking depending on their ages. These tests include screening for Cholesterol, Colo-rectal cancer screen testing, prostate cancer screening and blood pressure tests.
Colo-rectal Cancer screening tests
Colo-rectal cancer testing should be done to all men at the age of 50 and above years. There are different types of these tests. One should request their doctors on these tests and get the best recommended test.
Cholesterol Screening Tests
It is important for all men to be screened for cholesterol every five years from age 35. Checking your cholesterol level gives most men a great relief and helps in planning to eat low cholesterol foods. This also facilities eating healthy that is balanced diet.
If your family has a history of diabetes or even heart related diseases you should start testing at early years that is 20s. Over weight men are at greater risks of cholesterol related issues. This means immediately your weight is out of hand, health screening for men is not optional for you.
Checking Blood Pressure
Every man needs to visit their physician for Blood pressure checking at least every 2 years. You should have in mind that high blood pressure does not have any symptoms. One might not know they have a problem until it is too late and stoke may put you down. Some pressure machines placed in the corner of the stores may not be accurate and needs calibration.
Diabetes screening Test
If you have high cholesterol or High blood pressure, Diabetes test should be done in early years and one should take the test regularly at the same time cholesterol and blood pressure should be check for individuals in this category.
Prostate Cancer Screening
Most men should talk to their physicians about the importance and harms of taking prostate cancer screenings. There are different methods of prostate cancer screening. After discussing with your doctor on the possible ways of this cancer screening then being checked for prostate cancer is a great preventive measure. Taking Digital rectal examination (DRE) or Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) will depend on your doctorβs recommendations. It must be noted that prostate cancer is a major threat to most men with the age of 55 and above.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases screening
If you are sexually active, you need to be in the forefront with your physician on this issue. Men are not an exemption in the great epidemic state of HIV. It takes real men to be sexually responsible all the time. Other sexually transmitted diseases can be screened by your doctor.
We all go through periods of joy, hopelessness, sad and even disturbed. All this things bring with them mixed feelings in our bodies. Even men go through a season of depression and for this period they need to be understood and supported. However if you need to relax your doctor can best recommend this after screening your depression level. With these important factors, you are now informed and can make decisions on health screening for men as well as maintaining good health.
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