Urine tests are required in a few special situations: when companies screen potential hires, when you apply for a driver’s license or when a police officer stops you for suspicion of DUI are just some of them. The results may or may not be favorable. Even if you do get the job or are given your driving license, you may also find out you have been carrying certain diseases without your knowledge. Here are some conditions that can be detected through a urinalysis.
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease condition characterized by too high blood sugar levels. In a urinalysis, people with diabetes will have glucose in their urine. However, the presence of glucose or sugar in urine is not a reliable indication for a diabetic condition. You may have eaten a lot of sugary foods prior to the test. If your urine is positive for sugar, the doctor will order a blood glucose test to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes.
Diabetes is a lifetime disease and if left untreated, it will eventually cause infections from wounds that don’t heal, blindness, kidney and nerve damage, and other serious complications that lead to death.
Drug Use
The most common controlled substances that show up in a urine exam are cannabinoids (marijuana,) methamphetamine (known by their street names ice, crystal meth,) cocaine (crack,) opiates (usually a component of legitimate drugs,) and phencyclidine (angel dust, killer weed, etc.)
Applying for employment as a commercial driver requires a drug test for controlled substances except alcohol. Random testing may also be done. For impaired drivers, a urine test may be done to determine drug use. According to Suhre Law & Associates, a law firm in Chicago, a urine test that shows evidence of drug content may be used in court against the driver.
Urinary Tract Infection
A urinary tract infection shows as the presence of bacteria or an elevated level of white blood cells or red blood cells in a urine analysis. The infection can be anywhere in the urinary system; it can be the kidneys, urinary bladder, ureters or urethra. Women are more prone to UTI than men because of their anatomy. Bacteria can easily enter the urethra and cause infection. Sexual activity, poor hygiene and a lowered immune system are some of the causes of UTI. In a person with UTI, the urine will be cloudy, there is a burning pain when urinating and there is a frequent urge to urinate, with only small amounts of urine coming out.
The first factual confirmation of pregnancy is a urine test. There are several home kits available that a woman can do in the privacy of her house. These kits have easy to follow instructions and if done properly, are accurate. One week after a missed menstrual period will yield a positive result. Women usually go to their doctors for prenatal check ups after doing a home pregnancy test.
The testing of urine specimen reveals many possible conditions a person may suffer from, although other confirmatory tests may be needed. Red blood cells, protein and ketones signal possible kidney diseases. It may indicate early renal damage as a complication of diabetes. Shedding from the bladder linings show up in a urinalysis and may also be a symptom of bladder cancer.
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Marie Miller is an occupational safety nurse. She creates safety programs, monitors disease prevalence and the use of contralled substances in the workplace.
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