Being pregnant and expecting is one of the greatest achievements any woman can have. Children are a blessing and we have a connection with them right at the start. However, a growing belly can be very uncomfortable and may lead to sleepless nights of tossing and turning. Sleep is key to a better, health especially when pregnant and you really need your rest. So, of course, we need pregnancy pillows. In this article, I will let you know exactly why we need a pregnancy pillow during maternity.
Body support
As your belly grows every day, it becomes difficult to maintain your balance. You start straining your legs, back, hip, neck, and stomach. The pregnancy pillow will provide support to these body parts. You go through hormonal change and it affects the joints and ligaments by causing looseness. The pregnancy pillow will also assist in supporting them.
Blood Circulation
The doctor always advises pregnant women to sleep on their side for blood circulation efficiency. Sleeping in this position is very difficult without the cushioning. Pregnancy pillows are great at providing this cushioning. You will be able to sleep on your side without any difficulties.
Helps you get a good night’s sleep
Finding the best position to sleep during maternity is so difficult and frustrating. Without a pregnancy pillow, you end up tossing and turning desperately searching for a good position. Your belly gets in the way of any position you pick. Without proper sleep, you will not be able to find the proper rest you need in preparation for giving birth.
Relieve stress
Not getting enough sleep leads to stress and a lot of uneasiness. You worry too much and dread the nights rather than embrace them. Without a pregnancy pillow, you will always come to view sleeping as a nightmare. No one actually wants to turn in bed, every direction being worse than the previous one.
Ensures you never sleep in the wrong position
It is never advisable to sleep on your stomach, it actually is very dangerous and prohibited. A pregnancy pillow will ensure you will not sleep on your stomach and endanger yourself or your unborn baby.
You will use it after pregnancy
Immediately after childbirth, you will still need the pregnancy pillow. Why? You need to support your newborn while breastfeeding. It is also useful to support the baby’s neck and back when resting. You will definitely use it for years after your baby is born.
No more snoring
If you normally snore, then the pregnancy pillow will really assist you. You will not be able to sleep on your back, significantly lowering the risk of snoring. If you are a regular snorer, you could soon stop if you maintained using the pregnancy pillow even after delivery.
Relieves you of body ache
You will be a little heavier than usual during pregnancy. This will cause different levels of extra weight stress to different parts of your body. You will have body aches almost everywhere. Sleeping comfortably at night will ensure you give proper rest to the affected body parts.
Relax your muscles
Before you started sleeping with pregnancy pillows, sleeping was like going to the gym. You kept every muscle busy at all times, including at night. This is because you need muscle movement to toss and turn in bed.
Lowers heart rate
A pregnancy pillow brings a feeling of calmness, especially when you hug it. You get a sense of safety and security while sleeping. Your heart rate will lower gradually because you are not only supported physically and emotionally.
You get a safe sleeping environment after birth
If it is your first pregnancy, taking care of a newborn can be a little difficult for you. The best way to ensure that no harm comes to your baby while sleeping is by using the pregnancy pillow. If you are co-sleeping, it will help your newborn not to roll and fall off the bed.
Travel with it
You need to be comfortable at all times, including when traveling. Sitting down may not be so uncomfortable for your lower back. The pregnancy pillow can be folded and fits into a travel bag. Use it to support your local back and travel a little bit more comfortable.
Helps to reduce heartburn and minimize body water retention
When you have frequent heartburns, the pregnancy pillow becomes your best friend, it actually reduces your heartburns significantly. It is able to also minimize the water retention levels in your body.
At twenty weeks, you already start experiencing sleeping difficulties. You are already uncomfortable and are experiencing difficulties sleeping and walking. You should get the pregnancy pillow to really help you relax in all the above ways. There are so many sleepless nights coming ahead when the baby will be born. You need to get your rest now and fuel up in preparation for that time. Get a pregnancy pillow today to help with your maternity today.
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