According to a recent poll, nearly three million people in the UK vaped as of 2018. By now, that number has to be over three million. We’re all ditching the fags and picking up an e cigarette.
t’s easy to see why too.
Why Switch to Vaping?
Over the past few years there have been numerous studies carried out to determine just how much safer and healthier vaping is compared to cigarettes. The results so far are overwhelming.
According to Public Health England, vaping is 95% less harmful than traditional cigarettes. When you consider the 5000 chemicals, toxins and carcinogens contained within a single puff of cigarette smoke, it’s easy to see why.
Then there’s the cost of smoking compared to vaping. The difference is noticeable on purchase. In the UK, a packet of 20 cigarettes costs around £10 whereas the average 10ml bottle of PG e liquid costs £2. The latter will also last a few days too, even for 20-a-day smokers.
Over the course of a year, a medium to heavy smoker will save somewhere between ÂŁ1500 to ÂŁ2000 per year. So from a financial point of view, switching to vaping is an absolute no-brainer.
While the benefits of doing so are pretty obvious, there is still a little trepidation when it comes to taking that first step.
Get it Right With These 7 Vaping Tips for Beginners
We all need to start somewhere. Like any hobby, vaping can be tricky to master, especially for beginners. There’s lots of industry jargon, and lots of people sharing weird ideas online.
So if you’re picking up the vaping habit, we’ve got seven beginner tips to start you off right.
Get Your Nicotine Levels Right
Unless you chain smoke roll-ups, you probably won’t want the very highest levels of nicotine in your vape juice. We always recommend going with a mid-strength liquid, and then raising or lowering your nicotine levels depending on your personal tastes. And remember, if you buy a sub ohm vape, you want a low nicotine juice – just because you’ll inhale more of it.
Don’t Cross-Contaminate Flavors.
Nobody wants muddy, murky flavors. A vape juice with licorice or mint or aniseed flavors can linger in your tank, contaminating the other juices you put in. Always make sure your tank is empty before you re-fill it, and maybe consider a second tank for particularly strong flavors.
Treat Your Battery Right
We’ve all seen the horror stories in the papers about e cigarettes “popping” or people burning themselves because they’ve plugged a battery into the mains and left it on their pillow! E cigarette batteries all come with safety information. Make sure you follow it.
We’ve found this article on battery safety which you should read.
Buy Trustworthy Eliquids
There are a lot of dodgy e liquids out there. Cheap Chinese imports that have been re-badged in the UK (even though they probably don’t conform to EU standards), weird flavors someone’s knocked up in their shed and is selling on the market. You should always choose an e liquid from a recognizable brand who manufactures their juices here in the UK, or in the US or Europe.
Want to know more about vaping for beginners? Here’s a guide.
Give Your Tank a Clean
Your tank and the ecig tip need cleaning. One is filled with loads of lingering flavors, and the other goes in your mouth. Every once in a while, take them off the battery, remove any coils, and leave them in warm water for an hour. Wipe them down, dry thoroughly, and enjoy a more hygienic vape.
Always Check Your Ratios
Without boring you about the difference between VG and PG, using the wrong ratios in your e cigarette can cause clogs or leaks. Rule of thumb – you want more PG than VG if you use a vape pen, and vice versa if you use a box mod. Not sure what you have? Get a 50/50 liquid.
Be Considerate
Here’s our final and perhaps most important tip. Be considerate. After the smoking ban, nobody would dream of lighting a cigarette in a pub, at the cinema, on the train or in someone else’s front room (without asking first). Always ask if it’s OK to vape somewhere, and as a rule of thumb, don’t vape where you wouldn’t smoke.
So there we have it. It’s not as complicated as it all seems once you master the basics. By focusing on using the right products for your needs and performing a bit of regular maintenance, you can kick that stinky and expensive habit in to touch for good.
Your body will certainly thank you for it and you’ll also have more money in the bank to spend on things which won’t slowly kill you. Things like dream holidays, cars or even a couple of season tickets at your favorite Premier League team (maybe not a London one though!).
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