If losing weight was just about popping a pill, we would have a world of teenagers, housewives and middle aged men and women who are walking size-zero zombies! However thankfully, weight loss is not such a drastic nor dramatic proposition. There is no easy way out, as that is not the way nature meant it to be. When we lose weight and get into shape, itโs without doubt a great mood up-lifter and stress-buster, if ever there was one. Being in shape keeps us contented, happy and brimming with self-esteem. Unfortunately in a world that places so much importance on the physical aspect of our beings, staying slim is associated with beauty, confidence and sex appeal.
In such a scenario, itโs no wonder that diet supplements and quick fix weight loss programs are gaining momentum by the day! Itโs estimated that in the US alone, 15% of adults have attempted to buy weight loss supplements in order to look and feel better about themselves. The numbers are alarmingly on the rise as well.
While you can buy weight loss supplements, there is no universal consensus about them even amongst doctors, neither are there products that are medically prescribed to help you lose weight. Perhaps we cannot stress enough that all weight loss supplements and products have to be well supplemented by good eating habits and regular exercise to really provide long term benefits. As in any other health related issues there are no quick-fixes in weight loss as well.
Err on the side of caution
In fact, some weight loss supplements can seriously damage your bodyโs natural metabolism and when not monitored medically, can even cause diseases like heart attacks and strokes. They could also interfere with any medication that you may be taking and cause drastic side-effects. Currently, most weight loss experts do not recommend many products marketed as weight loss supplements because of a lack of any concrete evidence that they actually work.
However some experts do recommend having low-fat meals that do not exceed more than 15 gms of fat per meal to help you lose weight. While some people believe that drinking green tea can help you lose weight, it may actually be the caffeine in the green tea that keeps you up and about, helping you burn more calories, and not the green tea itself , acting like a diet supplement. Itโs also a wrong notion to believe that if a weight loss supplement is on a retail shelf, it is safe to buy it in a store. Most supplements are not approved by the concerned authorities and may contain ingredients that are not lawfully allowed in food products. Foods that contain calcium may also help you to lose fat and help build muscle that is so important as we get older. However there is no concrete evidence between taking calcium supplements and losing weight.
Reap the benefits
It would be safe to say that we can reap benefits by taking weight loss supplements with caution and restraint. It will motivate you to eat more carefully, count the calories and put you on the path to having a great body. Make sure however that you include several servings of low fat dairy food in your meals every day. Not only is this a good source of calcium but in the long term can work as a natural and effective weight loss supplement.
While buying weight loss supplements, keep in mind that in the long term, that itโs far more effective to work with your physician to truly reap benefits. Always read product labels to look for any unexpected chemicals that can actually do your body more harm than good. Never believe in a new quick-fix that seems to work magically, as there isnโt one!
Robin Gaines says
Creatine can help you to build and recover muscles even faster as stated by Dr. Amanda Carlson The expert nutritionist of Connecticut University but one should remain humble with his gym workout and must be focused very strictly to his diet. Thanks for sharing this valuable info.
Solgar vitamins says
Yes, It is accepted truth that weight loss can not be achieved over night. On the other hand diet supplements available in the market can help you lose weight. But make sure you buy certified and trusted products.
health supplements uk says
Nice post! Some points I would like to add this are; the benefits of weight loss pills extend far beyond just helping a person lose weight. They can reduce the risk of certain types of diseases, improve overall mood and make one feel and look better.