The ears are sensitive and vital organs on the body and help to ensure that one recognizes various sounds. As vital organs, when taken for granted it could lead to hearing problems and hearing loss. According to experts, hearing loss has become a major problem among citizens, both young and old and living in every corner of the globe.
What many people don’t know is that when your hearing is affected, it will affect your quality of life therefore, it is important to ensure that care is taken. Below are types of hearing loss you need to know.
Types of Hearing Loss
Conductive hearing loss
This occurs on an individual when sound generated by a particular source cannot be conducted efficiently through the outer ear into the sensitive inner ear. The inner ear includes the ear drum and the ossicles.
According to experts, conductive hearing loss involves a reduce level in sound or the ability to hear very faint sounds. There are several ways that can be applied to correct this type of hearing loss and include both medically and surgically.
Causes of conductive hearing loss:
1. Poor Eustachian tube function
2. Benign tumors
3. Impacted ear wax
4. Infection affecting the ear canal
5. Presence of a foreign body in the ear
Sensorineural hearing problem
This type of hearing loss is common among individuals who have a damaged inner ear especially the cochlea. Another cause that will lead to sensorineural hearing problem is damage to the pathways that lead from the ear to the brain. This type of hearing loss cannot be treated by medical and surgical procedures therefore it is known to be one of the most common permanent hearing problem.
When one is affected by this type of hearing loss, they have reduced ability of hearing or recognizing faint sounds which includes speech and other sounds. To them, all they will hear is a muffled or unclear sound.
Causes of Sensorineural hearing problem:
1. Illness
2. Toxic drugs that affect hearing
3. Genetic or hereditary hearing loss
4. Aging
5. Malformation of the inner ear
6. Loud noise exposure
Mixed hearing problem
This is a type of hearing loss where both the conductive and sensorineural affect the ears of an individual. This means that damage has occurred to an individual’s inner ear or auditory nerve leading to permanent or semi permanent hearing loss.
Thanks to technology, majority of people with hearing problems can get to hear what others are saying without the need to request others to shout or to set the TV at a high volume.
What exactly are hearing aids and how can they be of assistance?
Hearing aids are electroacoustic devices developed to amplify sound for the individual wearing it. The aim of having an hearing aid is to make speech audible and also to correct other problems such as impaired hearing.
Evolution Of Aid Solutions
Benefits of hearing aids
Ensure safety
When your hearing is compromised, the chances of you becoming aware of any impending danger usually reduces. You might be walking along the street or crossing the road and the worst thing is that you are not able to hear the constant hooting or bicycle bell ringing to warn you of impending danger.
With a hearing aid on at all times, you are able to become aware of hazards around you therefore avoiding them.
Ease of conversing
People who have hearing loss usually ask others to keep repeating what they say. This can become quite tiresome for others as they may keep repeating the same conversation for a long period of time. With hearing aids, thanks to a fitted computer chip and speakers, conversations will be more audible therefore one will not need to request others to repeat conversations.
Reduces level of attention to you
When you have a hearing problem, you will turn your TV or radio volume high in order to make it audible for you. What you might not notice is that the high volume is causing problems for your neighbors therefore increasing attention to you.
With hearing aids you don’t have to stand out as you will set the TV and radio volume to the right setting. Digital hearing aids utilize the Bluetooth technology that can be paired with your devices and can control the TV’s volume while decreasing the feedback noise to make sure that you hear and communicate better.
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