In the 21st century craze surrounding size 0 and tiny bodies, diet pills are one of the industries that have taken control of the market. Diet pills are any medicine in the form of tablets that are taken by someone who is aiming to either lose weight or ensure that they do not gain any more weight no matter what they eat. They have been surrounded by a lot of controversy and speculation, especially because many diet pill brands have been proven to be detrimental to the human body. However, with scientific advancements and improvements in medicine happening every day, diet pills now are a lot safer.
What is Xenical?
Xenical is one brand of diet pills that has gained much popularity for its effectiveness, inexpensiveness, and ease of availability. It is Orlistat marketed under the brand name of Xenical. This pill is a prescription dose (120 mg) and is not available over-the-counter, so only a doctor’s prescription can allow someone to purchase this pill.
Xenical is an FDA approved medication and is targeted towards obese individuals with a Body Mass Index that is over 30, or individuals with diabetes and hypertension having a BMI of 27. It is easily accessible across the UK in almost all pharmacies and drug stores, and can even be ordered through places like Click Pharmacy.
How does it work?
Xenical works by blocking enzymes in the body which break down the fat in the food we eat. This helps reduce the amount of fat being digested by our bodies because this undigested fat passes out of the body.
This medication is designed to be combined with a low-fat diet and an exercise regimen that allows consumers to not only consistently lose weight, but also ensure that they don’t regain any of that weight. Generally, when this medicine is prescribed, it is combined with a doctor’s approved exercise regimen, diet plan, and a behaviour change program that helps patients create a healthier lifestyle.
Precautions and Side Effects
Even though this medication has side effects, most people do not experience any severe side-effects. It is also recommended to immediately stop using it if any severe side effects are experienced. It is also completely prohibited to use Xenical if someone is pregnant, and it is also not advised for people who are breastfeeding.
It is also essential for anyone who is being prescribed Orlistat to ensure that they are not allergic to it, or any other drug used in Xenical. For that reason, it is always better to fully explain your medical history to your doctor, or go to a doctor who is already aware of your medical history.
Pros and Cons
Not – detrimental to health
FDA approved
Proven results
Side-effects may include rashes, allergies, and other health concerns.
Only accessible with a prescription.
May not prove as effective without diet change and a healthier lifestyle
More costly than OTC alternatives
Alternatives and other weight loss products
There are a lot of other weight loss products on the market, especially weight loss pills in the market that can easily compete with medications like Xenical. Perhaps the most well-known and comparable alternative to Xenical is an over the counter option, i.e. Alli. The Alli diet pills have a much lower dose of Orlistat (60 mg), and you don’t even need a prescription to buy them. The FDA has recently approved these because Orlistat heavy diet pills are generally not available as OTC options.
Alli works the same way as Xenical and must be accompanied by a weight loss regimen, a healthier lifestyle, and diet based changes. This alternative also has similar side effects as higher dose versions such as Xenical.
Xenical and products like Alli may have a significant difference in terms of price. Xenical may cost almost double what Alli costs, but Xenical is often covered under insurance because it is a prescription medicine. It is also related to limiting health issues such as those of hypertension and diabetes, which can help insurance policies cover the cost.
Apart from Alli, medicines and products such as Phentaslim and Proactol have been cited as being decent and less harmful alternatives to pills such as Xenical. These have also been tested and have proven to have fruitful results, but have not gained as much popularity as Xenical.
Those that go into the diet pill world often have unrealistic expectations from the diet pills. This is quite a big issue because these individuals tend to quit or give up on these diet pills when they don’t produce the results they want. It must be explicitly reiterated that these pills can only do so much regarding helping weight loss. They most definitely help reduce fat absorption but are just useful in the long run if they are accompanied by the hard work and determination that is needed to make a severe lifestyle, exercise, and dietary changes. Doctors that recommend these changes must stress upon the fact that these pills alone cannot help their patients reach their weight goals.
It is also recommended to monitor the fat and calorie intake in each meal carefully. Even though diet pills work to bind fat and inhibit its absorption in the body, it is recommended for consumers to carefully monitor their fat and calorie intake, especially the ratio in which they are consuming it in each meal. These factors can significantly influence the way in which Xenical works.
Even though many alternatives exist in the market for Xenical, it is still one of the top choices for doctors around the world; only because it has a high dosage of Orlistat, has yielded good result in patients, and has been proven to be extremely useful in improving peoples’ health. If someone who is obese is prescribed this medicine along with the requisite diet plan and exercise regimen, then Xenical can prove to be extremely beneficial for them regarding losing weight and regaining a healthier lifestyle.
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