Every decade that passes makes us more mature, mentally and physically. It also activates the absolutely natural mechanism of aging. What is certain, however, is that we have the power to act against certain external factors linked to lifestyle which is responsible for more than 50% of the appearance of signs of aging. Remember, that anti-aging is a part of life and it is unavoidable but there are certain things we can do to slow down the aging process.
Here are 10 anti-aging tips:
Sunscreen, the ally of anti-aging
Use a daily sun cream, regardless of the time of year. The sun is “enemy” to anti-aging because it causes premature aging of the skin and gives it a dry and weary appearance. It is also known that most wrinkles are caused by exposure to the sun. The sun is also one of the biggest causes of crepey skin.
Another important anti-aging tip is drink lots of water. Drinking water hydrates cells inside our bodies and this can help hydrate our skin too.
Moisturizing and use anti-aging products
The hydration of the skin can only positively contribute to the process of anti-aging. Anti-aging creams moisturize the skin, visibly reduce wrinkles and fight the first signs of aging, offering smooth, vigorous, and youthful skin.
For example, if the sun has already damaged your skin and you have crepey skin, then you can use some products that deal with crepey skin like Crepe Erase. However, make sure that you look at the Crepe Erase reviews to choose the correct product for yourself.
Put color in your diet
Healthy eating is undoubtedly one of the most essential anti-aging practices. An integral part of such a diet are foods that contain antioxidants. The rule here is simple: put on your plate of fruits and vegetables of all colors! The skin of your face and body will gradually begin to shine and regain its lost elasticity.
Avoid sugar
Increased sugar intake affects not only your weight. It also harms the collagen and elastin of the skin. Long-term consequences are wrinkles and the formation of freckles and brown spots.
Gymnastics for well-being and anti-aging
An effective way to put a “brake” on aging is regular physical exercise. The more active we are, the less our body biologically ages. Exercise increases strength and muscle mass, balances bone density, and contributes to cell renewal. It also gives vitality and well-being.
Sleep is the number 1 anti-aging “pill.” It helps to maintain the health of the epidermis and, in addition, slows down the internal aging process through the procedure of cell renewal. Sleep at least 7-8 hours every day, and, ladies, don’t forget to remove thoroughly your make-up before you go to bed.
Say no to alcohol
Not only does it severely damage your liver, but the increase in blood circulation it causes is also a direct cause of the dehydration of your skin.
Anti-Aging for your mind
Exercise your brains! Read books or newspapers, start a foreign language or a musical instrument, go to the movies and theater. Anti-aging is not only about the way we look.
Fight stress and anxiety
Experts claim that stress and anxiety can make us look even 10 years older. When stress becomes chronic, it brings biological consequences that affect the skin (dull, thinner, less elastic skin with fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, and sagging), and significantly accelerate the aging process.
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