People usually go to the gym or exercise for two main reasons; to improve cardiovascular fitness and build muscle. However, it’s interesting to note that exercising and working out not only helps improve physical fitness, but it also increasesour mental capabilities as well.
One study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that some of the many benefits of weight training included improved memory, improved quality of sleep, improved cognition, less anxiety, improved self-esteem, and less chronic fatigue.
However, before beginning a weight lifting regime it’s important to prevent everything from minor pain to more serious injuries. Here are some important ways to prepare yourself for starting a new, or changing an existing, exerciseroutine.
1. Get a routine physical exam
It is highly recommended to visit a doctor before starting a new exercise program. Any new activity can stress the body so it’s important to ensure your body can handle the increase in activity. A routine check may also bring some new shocking health revelation – like discovering any undiagnosed heart disease or other issues. In such conditions, your doctor may advise you which exercises aresafe and helpful for you.
2. Increase time and intensity gradually
A lot of people are over enthusiastic at the beginning of their exercise program. They want to achieve noticeable results as soon as possible and start exercising really hard. Unfortunately, this can adversely affect your ability to continue on.
If you overdo it from the beginning you may injure yourself and you’ll not be able to exercise, bend, or even move. This is why it’s advised to start with moderate exercise for about 15 minutes, four times a week. Increasethe length and intensity of your workouts gradually over time.
3. Consult a personal trainer
It’s understandable that when a person is starting a new exercise regime they might not have a clue what to do or where to start. In such cases, it pays to consult a personal trainer. Personal trainers can be found wherever you live as there are hundreds all around the world, you could for example consult a personal trainer in Singapore who can help you to achieve success in your weight training. A trainer will give you specific information about what kinds of exercise are most suitable for you. You may also find that a few initial sessions are all you need.
4. Warm up
Warming up before starting an exercise session will help to prevent injuries and improve performance. Walking, jogging, and stretching before training, areall greatways to warm up.
5. Don’t exercise on empty stomach
Just asrigorous exercising right after eating is not advised, similarly, exercising on empty stomach is not advisable as well. It is safer and better to start exercising two hours after having a meal.
6. Drink before you exercise
Make sure that you stay well hydrated while exercising. Dehydration can hurt performance. Try to drink 16 oz. of water two hours before working out. Consume water while exercising as well.
7. Cross Train
Cross-training is really great for getting a full body workout without overburdening certain muscle groups. It will also help reduce workout boredom.
8. Dress to workout
It is very important to use proper clothes and shoes. Make sure they are the right size and right material for your sport. Wrong size or style of shoes can give you severe pain in your feet. Wearing the wrong type of clothes can also lead to restriction of movement and overheating.
9. Know your body
During exercise, if you experience sharp pain, weakness or light-headedness, stop exercising at once. This is your body’s way of trying to tell you that there’s something wrong.
If you experience any of these symptomsstop what you are doing and perform a complete self-evaluation. If needed, consult an urgent care medical professional. Pushing through acute pain, and continuing to exercise, is the fastest way to develop a severe or chronic injury.
10. Take time for rest and recovery
Getting enough sleep and resting intermittently is important. Exercising very hard for too long can lead to overtraining syndrome and possibly even reduce your immunity.
Working out and weight training can help you reduce inches, increase your resting metabolic rate, improve your mental capabilities, and even lift your mood. If you follow these tips you will be well on your way to gaining muscle and reducing fat both safely and effectively.
Really useful tips.
I agree completely with #2. Often times a lot of people will jump straight into advanced training routines and exercises without fully laying the foundation with proper knowledge, clean form and a solid history of safe progressive resistance.
However, #5 is highly debatable particularly with those who intermittent fast (including myself). I find that exercising on an empty stomach really helps me to concentrate better on the exercise at hand without being weighed down or feeling gassy for that matter.
In fact, some of my best workouts were performed on an empty stomach simply because I was able to concentrate better due to a reduction in insulin sensitivity.
Thanks a lot for your input Joseph. Point taken!