If you run a fitness business, you probably know by now that there are more to promoting a gym than putting out ads with photos of shapely lasses and men with abs. You need to come up with smart marketing ideas that communicate the right message to the right people. Just like most aspects of this business, marketing is a budgeted activity. Good thing though is that promoting a fitness business doesn’t necessarily have to be costly and here are the top 7 cost effective ways to promote this business:
1. Spread the Word by Mouth
Word of Mouth is perhaps the least expensive and most effective way to promote a fitness business. Go to churches, hospitals, schools, events and other social gatherings and tell people about the business and what makes it exceptional. Be sure to stay true to the word by helping members at the gym achieve their health and fitness goals, as well as providing them with excellent customer service. By doing so, you won’t even have to ask them to help you spread the word.
2. Distribute Printed Correspondence
You can also promote a fitness business effectively and inexpensively with business cards, flyers, and brochures. Be sure to include all the relevant information such as the business name, phone number, address, web address and slogan on all the printed correspondence. You can easily distribute the cards and flyers by handing it out to people at their homes, on the streets or at events.
3. Send Electronic Correspondence
If you haven’t already incorporated email marketing and SMS marketing into the overall marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a huge marketing opportunity. Ensure that the emails and messages provide all the business information in addition to the promotional tagline. The good thing with electronic correspondence is that you can add links to the website and social media channels.
4. Use Social Media
It would be ignorant of you not to realize that much of the conversation is taking place online these days. To engage a wider audience, you need to make the effort of talking to people about fitness business on multiple outlets of the social media. On social media, you can also try linking up with other health and fitness social media pages and become an active participator in discussions, where you can upload fitness-related photos and videos and ask followers to share them with friends this will be a sure way to promote a fitness business.
5. Be a Guest at Talk Shows
Cable TV and radio stations are constantly looking for guests to participate in educational, informative and entertainment programs and shows. Find out which local TV and radio stations air health and fitness-related programs and seek to be hosted as a guest who’s willing to share expertise on a particular topic such as how to run a fitness business.
6. Strike Sponsorship Deals
There are different ways in which you can promote a fitness business through sponsorships. You could sponsor one member of the gym, let’s say a beauty pageant, bodybuilder or athlete and have him/her wear branded products during his/her competitions or performances. You could also offer free membership or training packages to a few members who would be willing to become a walking & talking billboard for a fitness business. You could also hold a charitable sporting event and supply participants with branded apparel.
7. Participate at Local Events
Local events can provide you with a good platform to promote a fitness business to a huge number of people in just one day. Set up a booth that you can use to promote this business. For example; you can offer health and fitness lessons, nutritional counseling or whatever you can to get as many people as possible to be interested in a fitness business. Show attendees that you’re genuinely interested in their well being. Remember to hand out printed correspondence and some free branded items to those who will drop by.
These seven business promotion ideas are just some of the effective ways you can promote the business without digging deep into the pockets. You should keep in mind, however, that spewing more finances on promotion could pay off even more. With a few experiments, it will be a matter of time till you find out which promotion ideas work best for a fitness business.
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