A lot of people have the assumption that in order to achieve their goals, they should go to the extremes. We beg to disagree. The truth is, creating simple, yet effective habits, is usually the best technique to reach your goal– after some time, you’ll eventually consider these habits as part of your daily routine. Being healthy can be compared to a pendulum; all you have to do is swing in one direction, and it’ll be swinging back continuously.So, instead of setting unrealistic goals, try these simple habits instead.
1. Keep Your Brain Active through Exercise
Is it hard for you to remember things lately? You’re probably experiencing memory gap. Every decade, our memory declines by about 2% because the hippocampus starts to shrink. Fortunately, it’s possible to prevent that through exercising regularly. According to Majid Fotuhi, M.D., Ph.D., the director of NeurExpand Brain Center, about one third of the brain is made up of blood vessels, and that’s why physical fitness could affect the brain. To support that, research shows that through the help of a year-long exercise program, the hippocampus stopped from shrinking, but increased by 2%.
2. Drink Water in Moderation
Although water is important for overall health, that doesn’t mean you should be constantly drinking water whenever and wherever you are. Although a lot of health experts suggest drinking 8 glasses of water, there aren’t any studies or research to support that drinking water could improve the condition of the skin, remove toxins, or help you shed off some pounds.
Drink when you’re thirsty, and that’s about it. Likewise, iced coffee, tea, fruits, and veggies can also keep you hydrated. Studies also show that if you’re a regular coffee drinker, the diuretic effect of caffeine becomes lesser.
3. Do You Really Have to Take Multivitamins & OTC medicines?
Doctors used to suggest carte blanche, but apparently, this isn’t ideal for everyone. In fact, based on some research, it can even trigger negative effects, such as the higher risk of death. You don’t really have to take multivitamins as long as you’re eating a well-balanced meal. That means, you should have at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. If you think it’s impossible to swing to five, and then consider using food-based supplements. These are usually the powder concentrate of veggies, whole grains, and fruits. By doing this, you’ll be able to get the food closer at its original state, and enjoy its maximum benefits. Also, before you consider taking OTC medicines you can always rely on homemade recipes for your minor health concerns. Here are top 10 home remedies for your minor health concerns.
4. Splurge on Veggies
It doesn’t matter what diet plan you’re following, it’s highly advisable to fill up on greens and you don’t even have to worry about the carbs nor calories. Veggies are packed with fiber that they don’t only keep you full, but it also boosts your energy as well– this means your metabolism would be at its peak. Aside from that, the good thing about greens is it will keep you satisfied for longer periods of time. Eat your greens and you don’t have to worry about gaining weight at all.
5. Turn the TV off when Eating
We live in a world where a lot of us are dependent on technological devices. Eating while watching TV, checking out Facebook, or surfing the net, would usually make you overeat. Whenever we’re preoccupied, it becomes difficult to listen to our body’s natural cues that we’re already full and satisfied. Turn those gadgets off and take time to enjoy your meal, Not only would you be able to keep yourself from eating more, unplugging from time to time is also good for your brain.
6. Use Chopsticks
Ever wondered why most Asians are fit? Well, try to look at their utensils. Using chopsticks instead of fork would force you to eat slower– no matter how hungry you are. When you eat slowly, you give your body enough time to fully digest whatever you are eating and it also allows you to sense if you’re already full.
7. Park in the Farthest Spot from the Entrance
Whenever you need to park your vehicle, always choose the spot farthest away from the front door, instead of picking the one next to it. This tactic would force you to burn a few extra calories, because you have no choice, but to walk toward the entrance door!
These are just some of the helpful tips that can help you stay healthy all throughout the year. Don’t worry, even if you don’t manage to adapt all of these, being able to follow a tip or two could do wonders for your health.
Article inspired by Sara Jane Adkins from Natural Healthy Living
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