Do you always feel worn out and tired even after enjoying enough rest? If you do, then you may be experiencing adrenal fatigue.
Adrenal fatigue is no doubt one of the most controversial and inevitable conditions faced by humans. People who have adrenal fatigue may not show physical signs of ailing, but they always experience extreme tiredness, as well as an excess desire for certain kinds of foods and stimulants. Now, you must be wondering what causes such condition, don’t you? Well, here are the most important things you need to know about adrenal fatigue.
Causes of Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal fatigue is caused by the slowing down of your immune system when you are stressed. The adrenal glands located above your kidney’s response to stress by releasing the stress managing hormone called cortisol. However, if you’re experiencing long-term stress, the adrenal glands stop releasing cortisol, thus paving the way for adrenal fatigue to attack. So, what are the symptoms of adrenal fatigue?
Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
According to WebMD, there is no science to confirm that adrenal fatigue is a real disease. Why? This condition is characterized by symptoms that have been diagnosed in other health conditions. However, a blood test may show a reduction in the levels of cortisol production. Below is a detailed overview of the common symptoms of adrenal fatigue.
Difficulty in getting up even after a long night’s sleep
For most patients, the lack of satisfactory sleep is a predicament they have to deal with. The insufficient sleep is caused by the fact that the high-stress levels force an excess production of cortisol and adrenaline, interrupting the normal cycle of cortisol levels. As a result, it leads to high alertness levels, which affects your sleep.
High fatigue levels
Another predicament faced by patients with adrenal fatigue is high levels of fatigue even after resting and doing minimal work. This symptom is caused by the depletion of the adrenal glands, which further means that the cortisol and other neurotransmitters like adrenaline cannot be produced. For that reason, the patient can’t sustain their energy levels to handle simple tasks.
Inability to handle stress
Do small issues overwhelm you? If they do, this can be caused by a decrease in cortisol levels since the adrenal glands are already dilapidated. The lack of cortisol and other neurotransmitter hormones means that the patient can’t sufficiently manage the stress as the adrenal glands are struggling to release the necessary amount of hormones to keep you relaxed.
High desire for salty dishes
Based on an article published on The Adrenal Fatigue Solution, the cortex, which is found in the adrenal glands, is tasked with the production of aldosterone. This hormone works with the kidney to regulate excretion of important minerals and fluids. But since the adrenal glands are exhausted and unable to release the right amount of hormones, important minerals and fluids are excreted, resulting in a huge craving for salty foods in a bid to recover the lost minerals.
How to Treat Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal fatigue has negatively impacted the lives and productivity of patients. Fortunately, all hope is not lost as these people experiencing adrenal fatigue can overcome this condition and start living healthy lives. Here are ways to treat or alleviate you from adrenal fatigue.
Adopt an adrenal fatigue diet
Apparently, adrenal fatigue can be managed by consuming a healthy diet. Having a proper diet can fight the underlying issues, which cause this particular condition. An adrenal fatigue diet is one that doesn’t comprise foods affecting your adrenal glands. Some of the foods you need to avoid include caffeine, sugar, hydrogenated foods, processed and microwaved foods.
So, what should you eat to prevent adrenal fatigue? These are coconut, avocado, cruciferous vegetables, and seeds like pumpkin, chia and flax seeds.
Pay attention to your body
Paying attention to your body means that you should respect the needs of your body, especially when you’re so stressed. Therefore, patients should adopt lifestyles that keep them from stressing out so much. For instance, you may sign up for a gym membership to get a regular exercise, avoid negativity, and enjoy enough sleep, which is 8-10 hours a night.
There’s no doubt that adrenal fatigue is a serious health condition. Nevertheless, it is manageable, and you only need to understand the symptoms and the underlying cause of such problem. That said, if you are suffering from any of these symptoms, be sure to adopt a lifestyle that will help you in managing adrenal fatigue.
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