Eating disorders have created a heap in men as to fear to look ugly in the work place or to be teased for being fat or obese. Well, this can be treated if seen the physician at the right time and continuing to follow the normal appetite.
Let’s get the mind cleared first of what exactly is eating disorders. It is a disturbance in one’s regular diet, not necessarily leading to, less consumption of food. Over eating also is considered as an eating disorder. It is a mental disorder in men these days.
Eating disorders is not restricted to any gender. It can be any human gender suffering from this issue. It has been recently seen that men are more prone to eating disorders due to various factors affecting their health and mind. This disorder usually can be suffered during adolescence, but adults too have become more prone these days.
Eating disorders can arise due to an immense expectation of being thin or losing weight. Eating disorders can be treated and it is very important for men to seek advice from a doctor as early as possible. This can lead to serious physical and psychological problems to a man’s life.
There are types of eating disorders, one of which includes anorexia. Previously this was seen in majority in women. Today it’s no more the same. This disorder leads to extreme thinness due to the refusal to eat food even when starving. This kind of disorder can take place in men who have the intense fear of becoming fat if they ate much. Bulimia in men is another type of eating disorder in men. This disorder can show symptoms like overeating and vomiting which can lead to depression and low self-esteem.
There are many causes of eating disorders. Men dealing with relationship issues can be the culprits of the same, as it creates a lot a lot of pressure on their lives. Family problems is one the most sensitive issues for men to catch eating disorders. Because men are not that expressive enough they keep deviating there mind elsewhere and that’s eating in excess or less. Overindulgence in alcohol consumption is not uncommon in men. This is one of the most important problems because which every next man is suffering from an eating disorder. Alcohol kills the urge of being hungry which directly leads to less consumption of regular diet. Drinking can be a pressure on men for the society to portray them as strong and manly. Indulgence in drugs too is a crucial matter where men refuse to eat their proper regular food.
Depression, anxiety and work pressures are highly enforced on men relating work and environment. This is where the intake of food is affected. Men with overweight are easily invited by eating disorders and they consider themselves to be very awkward when in comparison with a relatively well fit man. They purposely starve themselves to get that fit look and this leads to eating problems. Another reason why men suffer eating disorders very easily now is because of their no fixed time for food and eating outside food on a daily basis. This again is a due to work pressure and high working time and pressure from the family and the job. In some cases men who exercise too much can too be the victims.
Hello friends, it is Helly. Writing on useful information and advices is my passion. I am writing for health web these days. So, enjoy reading.
One should keep watch on the foods. To avoid eating disorders it is important to follow a healthy diet plan that should be consisting of healthy nutrients like vitamins and minerals.