Children need exercise. Teenagers & young adults need exercise. Adults need exercise. Seniors need exercise.
In fact it is every bit as important to exercise regularly in your senior years, after all, they say if you don’t use it you will lose it..! Regular, gentle exercise helps seniors to maintain a good level of health and makes sure that their muscles and joints remain healthy and flexible for longer. Companies such as Heritage Independent Living that are involved with supporting elderly people in the UK realise fully the benefits from keeping seniors active as to stay active is to stay healthier.
Go For It
So if you are anywhere between 60 and 110, make sure you are getting enough exercise to get the best out of your body. It needn’t be a chore, as well as being great for your health; you can have great fun whilst exercising and it can open up all kinds of social opportunities for you too, particularly if you join a local class.
Choose What To Do
It is essential to tailor your exercise regime to suit your current level of fitness and to be aware of your limits. Providing you take it at your own pace you ought to be fine, however if you are worried about overdoing it or concerned about the impact exercise could have on any pre-existing health conditions, it is advisable to get in touch with your medical practitioner for advice first.
Here are a few exercise ideas…
Regular walks are one of the easiest ways you can exercise for free.
A regular stroll around the neighbourhood in the natural sunlight helps you to maintain healthy bones and lose unwanted weight. You could enjoy a relaxing walk alone or arrange to walk with friends and have a chat at the same time. If you are prone to falls or have any trouble with your balance, choose a route with level, even ground. Get a pair of comfortable walking shoes or training shoes and your feet will love you for it!
Any form of exercise in the water is ideal for seniors. The fact that water provides gentle resistance, reducing stress on the joints and limbs makes it possible for individuals with limited mobility to enjoy it too.
These days you will find yoga & pilates classes for seniors available in most areas. Yoga & Pilates are not just for youngsters who can stretch and bend into any position imaginable! These wonderful forms of cardiovascular exercise combined with breathing techniques helps you to fully relax and provides both physical and psychological benefits.
Whether you are one of those poor souls who was blessed with two left feet or one of the more lucky ones with moves that would give the likes of Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers a run for their money! What could possibly be more fun than dancing your way to better health?
Look for a local group to join or perhaps organise your own group with friends and you will find this a very sociable, fun way to keep yourself in shape.
You don’t need to be wearing head-to-toe lycra and tearing along on a drop handled racing bike to get the benefit of cycling. This is one option that not only will give you exercise but will deliver you to the shops, library, visit friends, to the park. You name it – a short ride is lovely way of getting about and giving your legs and lungs a little work out in the process.
Choose a form of exercise that you know you will enjoy and incorporate it into your usual routine. You will find it much easier to motivate yourself to exercise if you have chosen an activity that you love. The sooner you begin, the sooner you can benefit from the results!

I’m a senior and I started working out because arthritis was stiffening my left shoulder and right hip. I supplemented physical exercise with Vitamin D because I was not getting enough sunshine. I rarely have arthritic pain or even stiffness anymore. So yes, seniors need exercise if they want to have any quality of life.
This was interesting. I started out walking, then took up swimming. Both exercise I could go at my own pace. After reading this I think my next step up with be cycling. Thanks for the ideas!