The pull-up is a basic yet vital exercise that a newcomer to the world of fitness can indulge in. However, it should be noted that this exercise requires great physical strength as well as a strong will power. Simplicity of pull-ups are facilitated by light weight, this therefore means that weighing less will be an advantage in having successful pull-up workouts. Due to the exorbitant gym memberships and rates per session, the busy lifestyles most people lead and the inconvenience of gyms being some distant from residential areas, it has become of a necessity to learn to do pull-up workouts in the comfort of your home.
Pull-up Workout At Home
An effective pull-up program can challenge an individualβs back in a way that no other movement can. The following is a comprehensive pull-up program that should suffice for a beginner pull-up workout at home using a pull-up bar:
The program consists of three methods:
I. The chair method.
II. The resistance band assist method.
III. The partner knee spot method.
The walk the planks as well as the dead hang are the basic exercises that will be required in order to successfully perform the chair method and also to increase your personal pull-up count.
The Dead Hang
This exercise is a great way by which an individual can build up their strength to do the walk the plank before graduating to actual pull-ups. It entails hanging from a bar for as long as one can. 10 sets of dead hangs should be done for thirty seconds each. The shoulders should be in a packed position i.e. chest thrust outward and shoulders down. It is performed as follows:
- A footstool or alternatively a chair should be put under the pull-up bar at home. It should be in such a position that the bar can easily be reached with just a wide grip
- The shoulders should be put in a packed position and held in that position for a whole set.
- The bar should be grabbed with the palms facing in the opposite direction to the person exercising.
- The feet should be firmly placed on the chair or stool. The first pull-up should be done by ensuring the elbows are moving outward to the side that is parallel to the bar instead of forward.
- The upper body should then remain motionless in the position described above as the knees are bent until the feet and chair or stool is no longer in contact.
- This position should be held for as long as possible.
It is common for the wrists to give out before one has hung long for a significant amount of time. It is therefore wrist straps should be used until grip strength is achieved.
Walk The Plank
This exercise will focus on slowly lowering down after pulling up. It is done as follows:
- Place a chair below the bar used to pull-up. The chair should be high enough to place the eyes at the level of the bar.
- The bar should be grabbed using an upperhand grip i.e. the palms should be facing the person exercising. The distance between the hands should be shoulder width.
- The muscles should be tensed before stepping off the chair.
- The individual should then lower himself or herself as low as they can.
- This should be repeated up to eight times.
The Chair Method
After successfully doing both the dead hang and walk the planks, it is safe to conclude that you are ready for the chair method that will function to increase the pull-ups you can perform. The chair method comprises of:
Phase 1
Monday workout β This phase requires 5 sets. You should do as many actual chin-ups as is possible and this should be closely followed by adequate walk the plank exercises to result in eight total reps. Recommended rest time between sets should be a minute.
Thursday workout β Strive to do as many real chin-ups as possible. This should be followed by static holds for as long as is possible. Rest time between sets is two minutes for 5 sets in total.
Phase 2
Monday workout β This second phase requires 5 sets. You should strive to do as many actual pull-ups as is possible and this should be closely followed by adequate walk the plank exercises to result in eight total reps. Recommended rest time between sets should be 1 minute.
Thursday workout β Strive to do as many actual pull-ups as possible. This should be followed by static holds for as long as is possible. Incorporate two minutes of rest before proceeding to the next to a total of five sets.
The chair method above should be enough to build the strength required to perform eight pull-ups.
Increase your pull-ups
The resistance band assist method is used in order to increase your pull-ups quickly. It gives the same benefit as the cable lat pulldown machine that is available at the gym. Purchase resistance bands of the heavy duty type. These resistance bands will help you to comfortably do the walk the planks exercise and ultimately increase the total number of pull-ups you can do.
The insightful information above clearly outlines how to perform pull-up exercises at home using nothing more than a bar, a chair and resistance bands.
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