Sadly, there are companies out there that look to put sales and profits above the health and continued dieting success of their customers, but thankfully we’re here to fill you in on the fitness secrets the ‘experts’ don’t tell you. If you’re planning to start a detox or a new fitness regime in the run up to the new year, you’re going to need to combine dedication and hard work to ensure you get the body you want, and the confidence you deserve. To ensure you stay on track with your weight loss goals, here’s some top secret tips that are essential to having a successful detox.
To Beat Fat, You Have To Eat Fat
This tip may seem a little strange, but it is actually a well-known fact in the fitness industry. There are different types of fats in foods, some of which are good for the body, and others that are not. Too much of the wrong fats can be very bad for the body, clogging up the arteries and surrounding the organs, usually found in cookies and crackers. Fats that are found in olive oil and avocados however are called monounsaturated fatty acids, and it has been proven that they can reduce the type of fat surrounding the belly, as well as other parts of the body. There are also supplements you can take that contain the positive fats the body needs, so check out for more details.
Chocolate Is Good, But Don’t Over Do It!
There’s always an excuse to let a little chocolate into your life, but now you don’t have to feel so guilty about it. The cocoa bean is high in antioxidants, even more than most foods in fact. So find the chocolate that has the least amount of sugars and the highest percentage of cocoa, and you’re onto a real winner! Again, even the good chocolate should only be consumed as part of a balanced diet, much like red wine, so as long as you don’t over do it, your detox will certainly benefit.
Fast Is Best
According to research, the people who lose weight the fastest, seeing a very quick improvement in their body, are far more likely to keep the weight off – and for longer. When it comes to trimming the fat, the slow and steady horse certainly won’t win the race, and spreading your weight loss over the period of a year can actually be detrimental to your goal. You should set yourself monthly weight loss goals, and intense ones at that, to ensure you see quick and impressive improvements to your body and health.
Combine All These Tips!
One of the biggest myths of losing weight is the ‘single action’ theory – as in you can lose weight by simply eating well or just exercising. In fact, you need to combine all the tips included in this article to stand a good chance at losing weight. For example, the more you exercise, the more you eat to get energy. The more you eat, the more you’ll have to exercise to keep the weight off!
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