Before you start pumping irons and sprinting 10 laps around the field, read this. Raw energy will only get you half the way. when you’re panting and on your last set, its motivation that will get you across the rest of the way.
The key to general fitness is motivation. You should the ideal version of yourself and encourage yourself to chase that idea of perfection. Without a goal in mind, you will lose the will power to push through your daily exercise routines.
This article aims to provide a perspective that will help you in the long run. So, set aside your Techogym chest press and other supplements and get ready to create goals, if you don’t have any(and if you do, you might want to hang around because you could always learn something new).
Altering Your Perspective
Most people underestimate the power of the mind. Aside from all the carbohydrates, you should consider an alternate source of energy. You may have noticed that even when you’re exhausted, it’s the power of the mind that compels you to push through. Therefore, empowering it should be your first priority.
The subconscious mind is a very powerful tool and you can program it as you like. A famous athlete once used his life as an excuse to skip exercise. He convinced himself that he was too busy to work out and with children required more priority.
However, after some introspection, he made a change to his thoughts. Instead of thinking of exercise as a burden, he made himself believe that it was a great way to set a remarkable example for his kids, and surprisingly enough, he did have enough time for his exercises.
Before embarking on the journey to general fitness, you must first conquer the boundaries of your own mind. Don’t look for excuses, instead, look for a window of opportunities to do what you truly desire.
Setting a Goal
“A million miles from nowhere is better than going nowhere, a million times.”
Read this and let it sink.
You can have all the weights in the world, the best training equipment, premium supplements, world-renowned trainers and still be not interested or may lose interest halfway through the journey. It is the goal of a better life that keeps us going, motivates us to leave the bead every morning and push through daily life activities.
The same applies to fitness routines. If you don’t have a goal, you won’t last two months, one if you are new to the scene and is inherently a couch potato.
Most of you overdo it and set gargantuan tasks that are not achievable in a span of a month or two and the discouragement you get of that failure compels you to discard exercises altogether.
Start small, set easy goals, maybe increase a few reps in your daily sets. Run faster, do endurance training. General fitness is not achieved in a span of a week. It takes months even years to achieve a mental state of perfection which you envisioned when you started exercising. It’s a constant process that requires commitment and small achievable goals are the best way to get there.
Schedule Your Workouts
The ideal way to move through in life is with discipline and this principle applies to every aspect of your being. Be it studies, career, relationships you need to be disciplined in order to excel in everything.
Scheduling your workouts enables your mind to focus down on that activity and prevents you from deviating from your goals.
Stop convincing yourself that you will begin your session once this or has happened. Mark your calendar, mark the exact time of the day and commit to it, no matter what happens. Take all the time you need to draw up a foolproof plan but once you’re done, stick to it all costs.
Life is way too unpredictable for unplanned adventures.
Have Fun While You’re At It
Don’t draw up the hardest exercise you find on the internet. Also, be clear to your instructor regarding the goals you wish to achieve so that you don’t have to do something you didn’t like.
General fitness is different from mainstream exercise in terms that its more lenient. You need to have goals and be committed nonetheless, but it’s not as rigorous.
You might want to try out certain equipment or take up a certain exercise. Provided you physically strong enough and healthy to handle the stress, go ahead. Doing these will encourage you to carry on with your routines. Most people don’t have the heart to follow through with something they don’t enjoy so make it worthwhile.
Reach Out
Exercising lonely, is, lonely. Find someone, a friend, a relative a co-worker who shares your enthusiasm. Having a spotter and someone to share your daily achievements will go a long way in motivating you to work out in the future.
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