Improving your fitness takes time, energy, and a lot of hard work, and electric bikes are an ideal method for you to consider. While e-bikes have a motor, you don’t need to rely on them. You can power the bike under your own steam and it’s a great way to really give your legs a thorough workout. It may also help kickstart your fitness too. So, how can you use an e-bike to get you back to full fitness?
Use the E-Bike Day and Night
Whenever you leave your home, you could use the e-bike to arrive at your destination. You can use it on short journeys, to the shops, go around the block, or just kill time during your lunch break. E-bikes can be used for any length of journey, and they’ll do wonders for your fitness levels too. While walking is good for you, you might not be at a level where it’s possible to go far on foot. However, e-bikes are convenient and allow you to travel further.
Use Different Assistance Levels When You Need Them
When you’re just starting out with electric bikes and you aren’t in great shape, you need to take things easy. This doesn’t mean using the power assist 24/7 but rather as and when it’s necessary. For example, you’ve managed an arduous ten-minute cycle, but your legs are tiring. It’s another ten minutes to your destination, so instead of overdoing it, use the power assist. It gives your legs a short break and prevents you from pushing beyond your current capabilities.
While you do need to push yourself, you also need to give your legs time to build muscles and get used to cycling. Don’t push yourself too hard when you first start out. It’s about finding a cycling speed that works for you and falling back on the assist when you really need to use it. When your legs are rested, turn off the power assistance and cycle. It’s a wonderful way to boost your fitness without pushing yourself too far at once.
Use an E-Bike for Longer Rides
When your fitness has improved and you feel physically able to go further, it’s time to test your skills out and take on a long journey. This is the perfect opportunity for you to boost your fitness levels, especially if you’ve been out of the game for a while. You can try small hills to give your fitness a thorough workout or just add an extra ten minutes to your ride time. It might not seem much, but it does count when it comes to your fitness.
Remember, when your fitness has been poor, you need to gradually improve on it. When you’re ready to push yourself, you can go on longer rides. You can up the intensity levels as your fitness levels improve. When you reach a suitable level, you could push yourself further and go on longer rides. This helps get your heart beating and blood pumping faster which helps burn those calories and boost your fitness.
Opting for a longer ride is ideal because it inspires you to break barriers. For instance, you may not find it comfortable to walk for an hour, whereas you do while cycling. Also, depending on where you live, cycling might be safer for you to exercise. You can map out new locations and enjoy your time outdoors.
Ride with Buddies and Get Additional Support
There’s no doubt about it, kickstarting your fitness is tough. It really doesn’t matter what state your health is in either; you can be thin but very unfit. You can also be overweight but have enough stamina to walk further than an unfit thin person. It’s strange what the body can do but the reality is that you need support. Riding an e-bike is a wonderful experience but your enthusiasm can wear thin when you hit a stumbling block. However, there is no need to cycle alone. You could roam with friends or join a cycling group suitable for your level.
This gives them additional support but also you get theirs too. It might inspire you to work on your fitness more.
Commute and Get Fit
You can spend hours each day commuting to and from work. Even running simple errands can eat up a portion of your time. Often, you don’t want or can’t be bothered exercising later. It’s understandable but there is no need to squeeze in exercise when you have an e-bike. You are exercising when you cycle.
Any time you need to run an errand or head off to work, you could use the e-bike instead of traditional transportation. This gives you ample opportunities to improve your fitness levels. You cycle each day, and your body slowly gets used to moving. Your leg muscles feel less tired, and your core becomes stronger, allowing you to do more. You feel fitter and become healthier too. It may also help you shed excess pounds. That’s a great way to get your body in shape and give it a thorough workout. Your fitness improves since you use the e-bike most days.
Rest After an Injury
Take it easy if you’re hurt. When you’ve been unfortunate to pick up a minor muscle injury, take time to rest, recuperate, and allow sufficient time to heal. You might only feel the twinge for a day or two, but it can linger long after. It is essential to give your muscles time to fully recover. This means staying off the e-bike and giving your body a few days to recover after the pain goes away. It’s about rest and recovery which is a vital part of any workout injury. When you don’t give your body ample time to recover, you make things worse. So, ease yourself back into cycling.
Use An E-Bike to Get Fit Again
It takes time to boost your fitness levels, even when you are in relatively decent shape. Getting back your fitness after a long absence can be difficult. It puts a strain on your body, and you need to start slowly to prevent injury. You can push yourself too much too quickly and end up in a sorry state. Remember, your body isn’t used to this type of exercise. You might get up and move around every day but it’s a unique experience entirely. While you do need to push yourself you also need to build leg and core muscles. An e-bike can be an effective tool when used correctly.
Image: Epic Ebike
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