“Chocolate is bad for you”
This is a classic line to hear in the staff room at lunch and it is at best only half right. Chocolate, as with anything, should only be eaten in moderation but the most negative problem with eating chocolate is the high sugar content but there are ways round this. For example by eating organic and dark chocolate instead of white and milk you are side-stepping a lot of the sugar and calories.
In fact there are elements of chocolate that has been proven to be very good for us; mainly cocoa. Chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa is rich in antioxidants, reduces blood pressure and get increase endorphins (makes you happy).
“Working out every day is good for you”
If you want to get bigger muscles then you’ve no doubt done some research on the internet or gone to the gym. If you were ever told to exceed 3 (max 4) workouts a week then you should disregard that source completely. If you work-out too much you’ll do way more damage than good!
The way we build our muscles is by tearing them this occurs when we lift heavy weights etc. Once your workout is over your body will try to repair the tear by rebuilding the muscle tissue which over time will make the muscle bigger. In order for your body to repair it needs two things protein and rest. If you want bigger muscles workout, then consume something with a high source of protein and finally rest the muscle for at least 24 hours. There are many examples of people who work at everyday (like body-builders) who have massive muscles but they are actually damaging their body so don’t follow their example.
“Stretching isn’t essential”
This is an odd one that I saw whilst browsing the internet a few months ago and it seems absolutely bizarre. I mean anyone who has done any form of strenuous exercise in their life knows that if you don’t stretch before and after, you’ll pay for it the next day. There has been an occasion or two that I’ve barely been able to get out of bed in the morning because my legs are so stiff because I didn’t stretch!
I’m not talking about contortionist style stretching but just your average stretching of key muscles. It is important to prevent stiffness as well as helping to increase range of motion.
“Vitamins and supplements are crucial to a healthy diet”
I’m sure when you were younger your mum made you eat a multi-vitamin tablet every morning to keep you healthy. However, if you think about it the need for multi-vitamins is rendered useless if you are eating a healthy and balanced diet. All the nutritious food we eat contains natural amounts of vitamins, minerals and other supplements that you would just be boosting by taking tablets every day.
If we consume too much of one kind of vitamin our body will just get rid of it so it really is an expensive and pointless addition to a healthy lifestyle. Obviously if you have some kind of deficiency or your doctor advises you to take certain vitamin tablets then you should do so.
Article provided by Josh Hansen
Josh Hansen writes for XXPress PCR an innovative biotechnology company.
The Bootcamp Pilates Blog says
These myths are definitely true. Not all chocolates are not good to our body. In fact, dark chocolates can really help our body in healthy ways.