In order to further understand the diseases involving the cardio and vascular system of the body, it is only imperative to learn about the risk factors as well. These risk factors involving the system and the different cardiovascular diseases are divided into two different categories – controllable and uncontrollable risk factors. For the uncontrollable category, the risks factors involve are the following:
– Age: based on statistics, almost 83% of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases involves individuals aged 65 years old and above. This simply means that as a person grows older, he/she becomes more susceptible to diseases involving the cardiovascular system compared to younger individuals.
– Family History: a family history of the condition is another risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. However, take note that the development of the condition may occur sooner in case you have an unhealthy lifestyle and you are actually putting your health at risk.
– Gender: studies have shown that men are more at risk of developing diseases involving the cardiovascular system compared to women. More men suffer from heart attacks and angina even at an earlier age compared to women.
– Ethnicity: another prominent risk factor for the condition is the individual’s ethnicity. Based on a research, African Americans, American Indians, Asian Americans, Hawaiians and Mexican Americans are the ones who are more prone to developing cardiovascular problems compared to Caucasians.
The abovementioned risk factors are considered uncontrollable since you are born with it and you cannot do anything about it. Then again, there are risk factors that can be controlled as well. These, on the other hand, include the following:
– Weight: obesity is one of the major risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. In case you are obese, it would do you good if you start hitting the gym right now and start eating healthy to get your body and health back into shape. Based on a research, those individuals with an apple shaped body – fat around the abdomen and waist and slim on the thighs and legs – are the ones who are more prone to developing the condition compared to those with a pear shaped body.
– Alcohol and Smoking: these are also considered as major causes of cardiovascular problems. In case you drink or smoke regularly, then it would be best to work your way out and try to cut down on these vices if you are certain that you want to restore the health of your cardiovascular system and be able to live a healthier, longer life.
– High Levels of Cholesterol or High Blood Pressure: another sign that you are close to developing heart problems is if you have high cholesterol levels in your body or if your blood pressure is relatively high. Take note that cardiovascular conditions like heart attack and angina take place due to a blockage in the arteries, which results from the accumulation of cholesterol deposits. This blockage prevents sufficient supply of blood to the heart, thus resulting to the development of a cardiovascular problem. To control this, it would be best to cut down or eliminate the foods that could increase the amount of cholesterol in your body and opt for the ones that can actually lower the levels of cholesterol and blood pressure, such as fiber-rich food products.
– Diabetes Mellitus: diabetes can be controlled or uncontrolled, but take note that even controlled diabetes can still result to heart problems. That is why it is extremely important to be cautious about your health and level of fitness in order to minimize the risk of developing heart problems.
– Too Much of Stress: stress can be considered as a natural part of life, especially if you are living a modern lifestyle. Stress may arise due to a demanding job, financial problems, school problems or even relationship problems. Taking in lots of stress can actually double your risk of developing cardiovascular problems, so it would be best to learn how to relax. One way to do this is to engage in various physical activities or learn some relaxation or meditation techniques, such as yoga and breathing exercises.
If you are under any of the aforementioned risk factors, the first thing you need to do is to talk to your healthcare provider and have your condition diagnosed. Various testing will be performed in order to determine your exact condition and make recommendations regarding your lifestyle and your diet. Take note that the condition should not be left untreated as it is debilitating and even fatal once it worsens.
Heart attack is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Parkway Heart and Vascular Centre can diagnose heart attack symptoms before it’s too late.
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