Eye injury is a common occurrence in many workplaces across the globe. It is estimated that at least one thousand workers sustain eye injuries in their workplaces across the nation daily. Due to the high occurrence of eyes related injuries in workplaces, medical and safety experts have advised that the best way to avert the high incidence is the use of eye protective devices in workplaces. Experts assume that more than ninety percent of such injuries could be prevented if eye protective measures were put in place.
Causes of Eye Injuries in the Workplace
There are different causes of workplace eye injuries. Most of them are because of small objects or particles like wood chips, metal slivers, dusts, or other objects striking the eyes. The fact remains that the major cause of workplace eye injuries are from flying objects. Eye injuries in work places can also occur when such objects like staples, nails, and metals penetrate to the eyeball.
Healthcare workers, janitorial, and laboratory staff and other categories of workers are often exposed to such risk as infectious diseases. Research has shown that blood splashes could lead to eye infection through mucous membranes of the eyes. This occurs when there is a direct contact of the eyes with blood.
Reasons the can lead to Eye Injuries in the Workplace
Experts have identified two major reasons that cause eye injuries in workplaces. The first reason is that industrial workers do not use eye protection devices when they work knowing very well that their instrument of work poses threats to their eyes. The second reason is not wearing the right eye protective device for the kind of work they do.
All these could lead to a temporal or permanent loss of vision. This is why it is important at this period of the National Eye Health Week in the UK,ย that both workers and employers put adequate measures in place to ensure injury free workplaces across the country.
Dangers and Measures to Protect Your Eyes
Prevention is better than loss, therefore, eye protection is important in any industry. There are different types of eye safety devices that anybody can use in workplaces. However, it should be noted that the type of eye protection device that you use depends on the hazards associated with your workplace. For instance, if you are employed in workshops where irons and other types of metals are cut, you should know that you need safety eyeglasses that contain side shields. Nothing short of this is good for your eyes. In the same way, if you work in a laboratory where you contact chemicals, you must use goggles to ensure protection of your eyes. Somebody employed where he would always be exposed to dangerous radiation from fiber optics, lasers and welding machine should use specially made safety goggles, helmets as well as face shield specifically meant for that.
Employers Responsibility to Prevent Eye Injuries
The safety of the workplace depends on the employer. They must ensure that the workplace is always safe for workers. They can do a lot to enhance the safety of the work environment. Before they begin operation, they should always conduct eye hazard evaluation of the workplace to ensure that workers are at risk. Apart from providing the most appropriate eye wear, they must remove any object that poses dangers to the eyes.
Employers need not do these by themselves; it is recommended that they engage the services of optometrists who can help them to evaluate the safety of workplaces, and the best eye protective devices they can use in the work environment.
Apart from the employers, workers can do a lot to prevent eye injuries. For instance, they should avoid those things that constitute dangers in their workplace. Before they start any work, they should check and remove those dangers. Most importantly, they must use the correct eye protective wears in their workplaces. Eyes protective devices must be kept in perfect conditions such that they should not spoil easily. With all these measures eye injuries at work places would be thing of the past.
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