If you have a job that requires you to spend most of the day standing on your feet, you may be looking for ways to avoid having tired legs at the end of the day. The problem is, so many people don’t realise that there are things that you can do to help your legs feel better after a long day of work. Sure, you can soak your legs in the bathtub to help alleviate pain, but what if you could actually avoid the pain altogether. Here are a few tips that will help you.
Wear Comfortable Shoes
Start by wearing comfortable shoes. If you make it your mission to ensure you wear comfortable shoes, your feet will get the support that they need. This means your legs won’t get as tired from supporting your body all day. You may even decide that a sole insert is a good idea, especially if you don’t have any stylish shoes that have added comfort. Avoid heels, and try to wear shoes with flat soles. You can find some that will look professional and feel great.
Change your Position Often
When standing, you sometimes find that you put all of your weight on one leg. This is really actually quite natural, but you have to make a conscious decision to change your position fairly often. When you change up your position, you are giving one leg a break for a bit. This can really help to avoid your legs being so tired when you finally do sit down at the end of the day. You may even find it necessary to sit occasionally, just for an added break.
Stand on a Mat
If you work in an area that requires you to stand on a hard floor, you may need to request a mat to stand on. Having a cushioned mat can really help to take a lot of the stress off of your legs. When you are standing on a hard surface, you don’t have much cushion or support to take some of the shock off of you. With a mat, it’s just a lot more comfortable and you won’t feel as drained at the end of the day.
Wear Compression Socks
Finally, consider wearing compression socks. If you choose a pair of socks that will actually compress your lower legs, you can reduce swelling, which can help to alleviate soreness. It is best that you wear your compression socks daily if you really want to see an effect. They are also great for people that have problems with their feet and legs, even if you don’t stand all day. You are sure to notice a difference if you buy a quality pair of compression socks.
As you can see, there are a few things that you can do to help you avoid getting tired legs after standing on your feet all day. You don’t just have to deal with the pain. Take necessary steps to ensure your comfort so that you don’t feel so stressed about going to work for the day.
Louisa Jenkins is a workplace health and safety blogger. She writes about a number of topics including the health benefits of compression socks from Daylong or other providers, and general workplace exercise tips to stay healthy.
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