You know the days where you want to wear your favourite skirt, but then mother nature decides to come along and prevent you from doing so? You had your outfit planned out the night before, and even chose pieces that would help to show people that you have a sense of style. Having to wear a pad can restrict you from wearing the clothes that you love, which is especially annoying when a big event is coming up! No need to worry though, as we’ve collected tips and tricks to help you to wear your best clothes even when Auntie Flo comes to visit!
How to Wear a Pad with Leggings
Just because you are on your period does not mean that you will not be able to wear a pair of leggings. You just need to invest in a pair of leggings that will help to flatter you, whilst concealing your choice of sanitary wear. Choosing the correct texture and print of your leggings will help you to feel comfortable and get through your day with style!
For example, a darker shade of leggings will help to conceal pad lines, and even cover accidental leakages. A thicker texture means that you can feel more confident that no one will be able to know that you are currently on your period. A thicker legging also means that you can stay warm and cosy whilst feeling at ease.
What to Wear at School When You’re on Your Period
For school, it is best to go with a style that is both classy and comfortable, whilst still keeping your own style. A great example of this is to wear a darker coloured skirt with a silky blouse, as this will earn you huge style points. It also helps to conceal any pad lines as it does not cling to the body the way a pair of trousers will. Plus, it keeps you from worrying about whether your period is seeping through on to the material of your clothes, and allows you to easily change your pad.
If you don’t like to wear skirts, dresses can also help to achieve the same effect, and hide any pad lines that may be present. An added sense of comfort can be achieved when period panties are paired with the dress, to achieve maximum camouflage. If you want to distract people from any possible pad lines, you can choose a dress with a patterned print.
During your period, you want to ensure that you are comfortable and are not worried about any pad lines being visible. Another viable option, but one that is tricky to be stylish in, is to go the baggy route. By wearing your favourite boyfriend jeans, you can easily hide any pad lines or discomfort. Make sure to keep the look on top tight, so that you are not swamped by the clothes!
How to Wear Leggings Without a Tampon
As you can tell, this article has been focused on how to stay stylish while wearing a pad on your period. This is because some girls and women find tampons to be uncomfortable, not just by inserting them, but when moving around freely when they are being used. On the other hand, some individuals find pads inconvenient to use, especially when they don’t stick properly or bunch up whilst wearing them. It doesn’t matter which preference you have, as we all deserve to feel comfortable when we are on our period. However, if you are not comfortable with either of these options, then Knixteen could be your solution. This handy little slip can be more comfortable than tampons or pads and has many more benefits.
Allow yourself the freedom to wear what you want, when you want, without having to worry about your period. It is superior to normal inner-wear and underwear and is made of a highly absorbent material. Even if you have a heavy flow, this material can help to keep dry, thanks to its advanced absorption. It ensures that there are no leakages whilst wearing it, and is also very helpful for women who wear pantyliners regularly or have incontinence issues. Plus, it helps to give you a flattering silhouette, so you can wear your clothes with ease.
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