For women, there is incredible pressure to be thin and fit. The images projected in the media give the impression that the perfect female body is slender and almost fat-free. Of course, few women today can match those perfect figures shown on TV and the movie screen, but the truth is that they can come close if they merely make a few basic adjustments to their diets and daily routines. Any woman who follows the four steps outlined below will soon find her scale’s readings dropping, and the attention from all the men around her perking up.
One: No More Carbohydrates
The easiest way to restrict your calories long term is by cutting out the carbohydrates from your diet. Carbs are not an essential part of a healthy diet, and it is easy to get all the nutrients you need if you don’t eat them. However, if you don’t eat them, it becomes very, very difficult to overeat and consume too many calories. Vegetables and fruits are dense, filling foods, but they don’t have the calories you need to gain weight and add fat to your frame. If you simply drop the carbs from your daily intake, you won’t have to worry about your weight anymore.
Two: Limit Alcohol
Alcohol is a two-pronged sword. For starters, it has lots of calories. One shot of liquor has 50 to 60 calories. A beer has 150 calories. Mixed drinks, which are often made with sodas and sugary juices, can easily have 200 or 300 calories. But that is only the beginning of alcohol’s assault on your fitness. Once you are intoxicated, it becomes much harder to turn down food at parties and restaurants. Portion control goes out the window, and people start eating far more food than they really need or want. If you frequent bars and clubs, limiting your alcohol intake can spare you 2000 to 3000 calories a week.
Three: Ramp Up the Cardio
For women who want to maintain their figures, there is no more important type of exercise than cardio. Cardio burns tons of calories and helps you stay in the healthy range, even on days when you overeat a little. Not only that, but cardio will increase your energy, give you more stamina, and remove those pesky fat deposits around your stomach and thighs that are so difficult to lose. Cardio is the ultimate fat burning exercise. When most people hear “cardio,” they think of jogging, cycling, or walking, and those are all excellent forms of cardio, but there are others too. Solo sports like tennis and squash give you excellent cardio workouts, while also providing a time to socialize.
Four: Get Your Friends to Help
One of the best ways to keep in good shape is to get all your friends to diet and exercise with you. The positive reinforcement and accountability that a group of friends provide is crucial for keeping you determined and on track. Also, when all your friends are dieting with you, you won’t have to be put in awkward situations when everybody else wants to go out for pizza, and you have to decline or simply order a salad. Spare yourself the pressure, and get your girlfriends to go on a diet with you. It will give you a great reason to get together and socialize. Perhaps best of all, when you all reach your fitness goals, you will be able to get together and celebrate your success at once. There is nothing like reaching an important goal in the company of friends.
Dan Clay is a Sydney personal trainer and owner of Dangerously Fit. If you would like to book a bootcamp in Coogee, click here.
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