In this article, I’m going to show you that will help you directly attack fat in your problem areas. In other words, if you’ve been eating right and exercising consistently but you’re still holding on to stubborn fat in a particular area of your body or you always hold on to fat in a particular area of your body, most likely it’s a hormonal issue.
The type of training strategy you can use can actually offset the hormones that are blocking your fat loss in that particular area. For example, if you store fat in your hips and your butt it’s an estrogen issue. We can offset estrogen by doing something called density training. Density training will release testosterone in an all-natural way and at healthy levels to offset that estrogen and attack hip and butt fat.
If you hold fat in your belly area like a lot of post-menopausal women, thatโs when all of a sudden everything is moving from downstairs and it’s shifting upstairs and its freaking women out, it’s a cortisol issue. I recommend lactic acid training, because this releases a bunch of growth hormone and that will offset cortisol and help you fight belly fat.
Lastly, there is โgeneticsโ, and occasionally love handles and lower back fat are typically an issue of insulin. When I was little, I grew up eating all kinds of candy, ice cream, Mountain Dew, whatever I wanted pretty much, and I think that’s why I have an issue.
No matter how lean I get, I still seem to hold on to fat in that lower back and love handle area. If I do something called dynamic training, I’ll release all kinds of insulin growth factor, which will offset my insulin and help me attack that fat directly.
This is only a little snapshot of how you can use different types of training to attack body fat in an individual area.
Let me show you how to apply some of this so that you can actually start working on your problem area:
Density Training
The first type of training is density training. With density training, what you want to put more work in a less amount of time. It’s all about using either three, four or five exercises back-to-back and doing these exercises for time, like thirty seconds of one exercise, a thirty second rest, thirty seconds of the next exercise, a thirty second rest.
You want to do this back-to-back for three to five exercises. When you do this, you’re doing it for time remember, but you want to keep track of your reps, because after you rest a couple minutes after going through these exercises and you repeat that same cycle, you want to make sure that you use a heavier weight and do just as many, if not more, reps, so you’re putting more amount of work in less amount of time.
A lot of this has to do with something we call volume training. When we do this type of volume training and you put more work in less amount of time, you release testosterone naturally to fight off estrogen.
Lactic Acid Training
Lactic acid training is actually the exact opposite of what we’ve all been taught for years about lifting, and that is that lowering a weight or the eccentric portion of the movement actually can stimulate more muscle fiber than the lifting portion of the movement. So if you just lift a weight and lower it right down, you’re only doing half the work. That’s true if you’re goal is to stimulate muscle fiber, but our goal to offset cortisol is to stimulate lactic acid, so we want to do the exact opposite of traditional training.
The idea is to lower the weight really super-fast and we want to lift it three times slower than we normally would.
Then you’ll start getting that burning feeling. You know that feeling like a blowtorch is going to your muscle when you’re lifting? If you lower the weight and lift it twice as slow, no matter what you’re doing, what type of exercise it is, you’re going to stimulate all kinds of lactic acid, which will indirectly make you release growth hormone, fight out cortisol and fight belly fat.
Dynamic training
This is all about compound movements, a squat press or a thruster, a lunge curl, something like that, so a combination of movements that are going to use both upper body and lower body movements. Compound movements all at once is what’s going to allow you to release all kinds of IGF, fight off that insulin resistance and get at that love handle and that lower back fat.
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